food-riba-rostilj, food-mediteranskasalata, food-morskiplodovirizoto | |
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Cuvée aus Pinot Noir, Merlot und Cabernet Sauvignon. Trockener Roséwein mit blasser Lachsfarbe mit sanften Aromen von Rose, Birne, Pfirsich und Himbeere. Dieser knochentrockene Rosé hat Grapefruit- und leichte Kirscharomen mit einem Hauch von Orange und knackiger Säure, die den Wein lebendig und erfrischend machen. Er passt gut zu leichten mediterranen Salaten, gegrilltem Fisch und Meeresfrüchterisotto. |
Blend (cuvée) di Pinot Nero, Merlot e Cabernet Sauvignon. Vino rosato secco dal colore salmone chiaro che mostra delicati aromi di rosa, pera, pesca e lampone. Questo rosato secco ha aromi di pompelmo e ciliegia leggera con sentori di arancia e acidità croccante che rendono il vino vivido e rinfrescante. Si abbina a insalate leggere mediterranee, pesce alla griglia e risotti ai frutti di mare. |
Assemblage (cuvée) de Pinot Noir, Merlot et Cabernet Sauvignon. Vin rosé sec à la robe saumon pâle présentant des arômes doux de rose, poire, pêche et framboise. Ce rosé d'os sec a de légères saveurs de pamplemousse et de cerise avec des notes d'orange et une acidité vive qui rendent le vin vif et rafraîchissant. Il se marie bien avec les salades méditerranéennes légères, les poissons grillés et le risotto aux fruits de mer. |
Александрија куве розе е суво розе вино, купажа од од сортите пино ноар, мерло и каберне совињон. Се одликува со боја на лосос и со нежни мириси на роза, крушка, зрели праски и малини. На вкус освежително, со балансирани киселини и комплексни ароми на цреши и грејпфрут, со нежни ноти на портокал. Идеално е во комбинација со лесни медитерански салати, риба на скара и рижото со морски плодови. |
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Mundus Vini Silver | |
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Tikveš Wine Region
The Tikveš wine sub-region is situated on the same longitude as Toscana in Italy, Bordeaux in France and the Napa valley in the USA. It is one of the biggest regions in Macedonia by square area and it is situated at latitude of 41-42˚. The climate is mixed, Continental-Mediterranean. The south of the Tikveš region is dominated by a Mediterranean climate featuring long and hot summers.
To the north there is a predominant continental climate with mild and wet winters. The mean annual temperature is 13.3˚C, while during the vegetation period it is 18˚C. In the summer the temperature may reach over 40˚C. The mean precipitation during the vegetation period amounts to 300-500 mm.
The Tikveš region is “protected” on three sides by mountains which prevent the northern winds from reaching the vineyards. The following types of soil prevail in the Tikves region: Rendzina, Vertisol, deluvial, alluvial soil and Terra Rosa.
The story of Tikveš winery begins in 130 years ago, back in the year of 1885. It is the oldest and largest winery in South-East Europe.
Since M6 Investment group acquiring the winery in 2003, there were significant investments of near 30 million euro in the latest technology, and particular attention was paid to improving and modernizing the entire production process.
Tikveš experiment to create new flavors that will generate new consumer needs. Each "invention" they make is a genuine combination of local and international types of grapes; local tradition of wine and world experiences.
Tikveš experiment to create new flavors that will generate new consumer’s needs. Each "invention" they make is a genuine combination of local and international types of grapes; local tradition of wine and world experiences.
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